Friday, November 10, 2017


ID # 895

The locomotive-building firm of Richard Norris & Son constructed the dazzling Wyoming primarily as a showpiece and used this lithograph of her to advertise their wares. Like most iron horses of her time, the Wyoming was a 4.4-0 or American type, splashed with bright colors, stars, pictures of eagles, and brightly burnished brasswork. There was even a black-and-white portrait of a bearded man, possibly Richard Norris himself, as a sort of trademark on the side of the cab - very likely on both sides. Although capstacks were commonly used on coal-burners built between 1870 and 1910, they were extremely rare in 1856, when the Wyoming was built. Other distinctive features were the Gothic-arch windows in her cab and the ornamental outside hearing truck connecting her two pairs of pony-truck wheels.


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