Sunday, November 19, 2017

Abraham Lincoln's Funeral Train

ID # 899

The train that bore Abraham Lincoln's body from Washington to his tomb at Springfield, Illinois, in April and May, 1865, consisted of seven black coaches pulled by an American-type engine. At every division point on the long, round-about route, a fresh locomotive was coupled to the train. The engines were draped with black crepe, flags and wreaths. The Nashville, pictured here, with a framed portrait of Lincoln under the headlight, ran on the Cleveland, Columbus & Cincinnati Railroad. The train slowed down as it passed every station, no matter how small, and always the engine bell tolled. Each crossing had its armed guard with a flag and lantern. Bonfires lit up the night. Cannons boomed. In many cities the train ran under arches of flowers and evergreen. It stopped often to let people view the open casket. At many stops, 36 young ladies, representing the 36 states, sang or recited tributes.

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