Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Thomas Walter Hodgson Obituary

ID # 60,554
From the February, 1912 issue of LOCO Magazine.
Thomas Walter Hodgson died suddenly at his home, 110 Park Place, at II :30 P. M. January 10th, from heart failure.

Mr. Hodgson was born in Durham, England, in the year 1844. At the age of eight years he came to this country with his parents, who settled in Philadelphia. Here he obtained his early education. When nineteen years of age he enlisted in the I92nd Pennsylvania Volunteers and served with credit during the remainder of the war, having participated in some of its most important battles.

At the close of the war, Mr. Hodgson obtained employment at the Baldwin Locomotive Works in Philadelphia, and worked there for thirteen years as foreman in the boiler shop. Upon severing his connection with that company, he became foreman in the Locomotive Works at Rome, N. Y., where he remained eight years. He was also employed for about a year at the Rhode Island Locomotive Works, Providence, R. I.

Upon leaving Providence he came to Schenectady, where he has been a foreman in the boiler shop of the American Locomotive Company for the past twenty years. It was here that he was best known.
He was a master mind in his particular business, and there is probably not a man in the country who had a better knowledge of boiler construction than Mr. Hodgson. He was well liked and respected by all men in the shops with Whom he came in contact.

Although in delicate health for some time past, he still came to work regularly and was in the shop all the day preceding his death.

He was a prominent member of St. George’s Episcopal Church, of the G. A. R. and the Mohawk Club. He was well known, having resided in Schenectady during the period of its rapid growth.

All who knew him in any manner whatever will always re member him as a good, square, big-hearted man. and one whom all his friends as well as all the community will miss. We all mourn the loss of such a friend and member of society.

Mr. Hodgson is survived by his widow, two sons, two daughters and two brothers, to whom we take this means of conveying our sympathy.

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