Saturday, December 23, 2017

Jersey Central Camelback

ID # 1,085

This 41-2 (Atlantic) type engine, which Brooks Locomotive Co. built in 1901 for the Central Railroad of New Jersey, was one of several hundred "double-cabbers" that operated mostly in the East over a period of about seventy years, beginning in 1880. The middle cab resembled a camel's hump or Mother Hubbard's hood and was, therefore, called a Camelback or Mother Hubbard. In some Camelbacks the rear cab was so rudimentary that it was almost nonexistent. While this arrangement gave the engineer working on mid-boiler a better view of the track ahead, it lessened cooperation between him and his fireman shoveling coal in the tender behind. It was virtually impossible for the fireman to communicate with the engineer while the train was running, although the engineer could signal by bell or whistle; and in an emergency the fireman could stop the train by setting the air brake. Built for speed, Camelbacks pulled the fastest passenger trains on the Camden-Atlantic City run.


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