Friday, January 25, 2019

Penn Central Plow #60084 at Kingston, New York on August 4, 1978

ID# 39,010

Electro-Motive Division of General Motors Corporation's "Number 1975"

ID# 53,490
Electro-Motive Division of General Motors Corporation's "Number 1975"

This EMD Class GM 6 C Locomotive was built as a Demonstrator and is the first pure electric locomotive built by EMD. This 6,000 horse-power locomotive is viewed in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, while undergoing tests with the Penn Central.

Photo Courtesy: Ronald N. Johnson

Penn Central Coach #607 at Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania on September 25, 1989

ID# 54,031

Metro-North Diesel Locomotive #2029 at Poughkeepsie, New York on March 12, 1989

ID# 54,406